

  • Bullerdiek J. (2024) Feeling like David or rather Don Quixote?—hello from a new editor in chief. Protoplasma 261:857-858
  • Antipova V, Heimes D, Seidel K, Schulz J, Schmitt O, Holzmann C, Rolfs A, Bidmon H.-J, González de San Román Martín E, Huesgen P F, Amunts K, Keiler J, Hammer N, Witt M and Wree A (2024) Differently increased Volumes of Multiple Brain Areas in Npc1 Mutant Mice Following Various Drug Treatments. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 18:1430790
  • Küpker W, Bullerdiek J and Felberbaum R (2024) Infertilität bei Endometriose und Adenomyose – welche Bedeutung hat die Implantation? Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 22:118-124
  • Küpker W, Bullerdiek J, Aizpurua J, Diedrich K, Felberbaum R and Stefanovic S. (2024) The End of Aging – Hintergründe einer transgressiven Medizin. Die Gynäkologie 57:705-712


  • Ihrler S, Bullerdiek J, Flucke U, Wenig BM. Sialolipoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Sandison A, Bullerdiek J, Flucke U, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Vestibular Schwannoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Ihrler S, Bullerdiek J, Flucke U. Nodular fasciitis. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Flucke U, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Haemangioma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Flucke U, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Epithelioid haemangioma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Flucke U, Nelson BL. Lymphangioma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Flucke U, Nelson BL. Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Flucke U, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Angiosarcoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Leiomyoma and angioleiomyoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Watanabe R, Bullerdiek J, Thompson LDR. EBV-Associated smooth muscle tumour. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Smooth muscle tumour of uncertain malignant potential. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Leiomyosarcoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Flucke U, Bullerdiek J, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Neurofibroma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Flucke U, Bullerdiek J, Franchi A, Sandison A, Thompson LDR. Schwannoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Bullerdiek J, Bell D. Synovial sarcoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148
  • Flucke U, Bullerdiek J, Franchi A, Thompson LDR. Undiffernetiated sarcoma. Chapter in: Head and Neck Tumours, 5th Edition edited by WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, ISBN 9283245148





  • Bullerdiek J, Helmke BM, Laban M (2022) Endometrial polyps-neoplastic lesions or not? Is it time to close the files? Mod Pathol
  • Krysewski L-M, Power Guerra N, Glatzel A, Holzmann C, Antipova V, Schmitt O, Yu-Taeger L, Nguyen HP, Wree A, Witt M. Differential Cellular Balance of Olfactory and Vomeronasal Epithelia in a Transgenic BACHD Rat Model of Huntington’s Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(14):7625
  • Bullerdiek J, Reisinger E, Rommel B, Dotzauer A. (2022) ABO blood groups and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Protoplasma
  • Alberts T, Antipova V, Holzmann C, Hawlitschka A, Schmitt O, Kurth J, Stenzel J, Lindner T, Krause B, Wree A, Witt M. (2022) Olfactory bulb D2/D3 receptor availability after intrastriatal botulinum neurotoxin–A injection in a unilateral 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Toxins14: 94


  • Bullerdiek J. (2021) Preprint publications in a time of COVID-19. F1000 Blogs
  • Bullerdiek J, Bock-Steinweg U. (2021) COVID-19: women with PCO syndrome at higher risk. Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 19: 319–320
  • Antipova V, Holzmann, C, Hawlitschka A, Witt M, Wree A. (2021) Antidepressant-Like Properties of Intrastriatal Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection in a Unilateral 6-OHDA Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease. Toxins 13: 505
  • Holzmann C, Witt M, Rolfs A, Antipova V, Wree A. (2021) Gender-Specific Effects of Two Treatment Strategies in a Mouse Model of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 2539
  • Gottlieb A, Flor I, Nimzyk R, Burchardt L, Helmke B, Langenbuch M, Spiekermann M, Feidicke, S, Bullerdiek J. (2021) The expression of miRNA encoded by C19MC and miR-371-3 strongly varies among individual placentas but does not differ between spontaneous and induced abortions. Protoplasma 258: 209–218
  • Völkner C, Liedtke M, Petters J, Lukas J, Murua Escobar H, Knuebel G, Bullerdiek J, Holzmann C, Hermann A, Frech M J. (2021) Generation of an iPSC line (AKOSi004-A) from fibroblasts of a female adult NPC1 patient, carrying the compound heterozygous mutation p.Val1023Serfs*15/p.Gly992Arg and of an iPSC line (AKOSi005-A) from a female adult control individual. Stem Cell Research 50:102127


  • Burchardt L, Gottlieb A, BHelmke BM, Wosniok W, Kuepker W, Bullerdiek J. (2020) Expression patterns of HMGA2 in the placenta during pregnancy. medRxiv 20245092
  • Petters J, Völkner C, Krohn S, Murua Escobar H, Bullerdiek J, Reuner U, MJ, Hermann A, Lukas J. (2020) Generation of two induced pluripotent stem cell lines from a female adult homozygous for the Wilson disease associated ATP7B variant p.H1069Q (AKOSi008-A) and a healthy control (AKOSi009-A). Stem Cell Research 49:102079
  • Völkner C, Liedtke M, Petters J, Huth K, Knuebel G, Murua Escobar H, Bullerdiek J, Lukas J, Hermann A, Frech MJ. (2020) Generation of an iPSC line (AKOSi006-A) from fibroblasts of a NPC1 patient, carrying the homozygous mutation p.I1061T (c.3182 T > C) and a control iPSC line (AKOSi007-A) using a non-integrating Sendai virus system. Stem Cell Research 49:102056
  • Bullerdiek J. (2020) COVID-19 and blood groups – there is an elephant in the room, but who cares? Do we need additional rules for preprints? F1000Research 2020, 9:1139
  • Bullerdiek J. (2020) Blood type A associated with critical COVID-19 and death in a Swedish cohort - a critical comment. Critical Care 24:547
  • Gottlieb A, Flor I, Nimzyk R, Burchardt, L, Helmke B , Langenbuch M, Spiekermann M, Feidicker S, and Bullerdiek J. (2020) The expression of miRNA encoded by C19MC and miR 371-3 strongly varies among individual placentas but does not differ between spontaneous and induced abortions. Protoplasma
  • Holzmann C, Helmke B and Bullerdiek J. Gross genetic alterations and genetic heterogeneity in a periductal stromal tumor of the breast. Mol Cytogenet 13:49
  • Küpker W, Plathow D, Bullerdiek J and Felberbaum R. (2020) Neue Behandlungsoptionen mit GnRH-Antagonisten bei Endometriose und Uterus myomatosus. Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
  • Bullerdiek J and Bock-Steinweg U. Das GnRHR-Gen, seine Mutationen und deren Manifestation. Gynäkologe 53: 502–509 
  • Bullerdiek J, Holzmann C and Rommel B. (2020) Die Rolle der HMGA-Proteine („high mobility group AT-hook“) bei Proliferation und Differenzierung mesenchymaler Zellen und Gewebe. Gefäßchirurgie 25: 332–338
  • Foriata R, Friemel J, Günther K, Behrens T, Bullerdiek J and Nimzyk R.  (2020) Causal discovery of gene regulation with incomplete data. J. R. Statist. Soc. A:12565
  • Hawlitschka A, Berg C, Schmitt O, Holzmann C, Wree A and Antipova V. (2020) Repeated intrastriatal application of Botulinum neurotoxin-A did not influence choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive interneurons in hemiparkinsonian rat brain - A histological, stereological and correlational analysis. Brain Res 146877
  • Bullerdiek J. (2020) COVID-19 challenging cell biology. Protoplasma 257:1-2
  • Holzmann C, Kuepker W, Rommel B, Helmke B and Bullerdiek J. (2020) Reasons to reconsider risk figures associated with power morcellation of uterine fibroids. In vivo 34:1-9


  • Wree A, Hawlitschka A, Holzmann C, Witt M, Kurth J, Lindner T, Mann T, Antipova V. Interlinking potential therapy with botulinum neurotoxin-A and Parkinson´s disease. Chapter 38 in: The Neuroscience of Parkinson´s Disease. Edited by Victor R. Preedy, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128159583


  • Zhan J, Yakimov V, Rühling S, Fischbach F, Nikolova E, Joost S, Kaddatz H, Greiner T, Frenz J, Holzmann C and Kipp M. (2019) High Speed Ventral Plane Videography as a Convenient Tool to Quantify Motor Deficits during Pre-Clinical Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis.
    Cells 8:1439
  • Bräuer A U, Kuhla A, Holzmann C, Wree A and Witt M. (2019) Current Challenges in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms in Niemann-Pick Disease Type C1. Int J Mol Sci 20:4392
  • Hühns M, Holzmann C and Prall F. (2019) Cancer in a bang: panel next-generation gene sequencing and OncoScan array analysis of a minute colorectal adenocarcinoma and its precursor adenoma. Histopathology 75:605-608
  • Bullerdiek J and Küpker W. (2019) Myome - Was liegt da in der DNA? Der Gynäkologe 2019
  • Antipova A, Holzmann C, Hawlitschka A and Wree A. (2019) Botulinum neurotoxin-A injected intrastriatally into hemiparkinsonian rats improves the initiation time for left and right forelimbs in both forehand and backhand directions. Int J Mol Sci 20:992
  • Maletzki C, Hühns M, Bauer I, Prall F, Junghanss C, Henze L. (2019) Suspected Hereditary Cancer Syndromes in Young Patients: Heterogeneous Clinical and Genetic Presentation of Colorectal Cancers. The Oncologist 24:877-882
  • Bullerdiek J. (2019) Bacteria acting with tumorigenic chaperones.
    Protoplasma 256:291–292


  • Fehr A, Bullerdiek J, Jaekel T and Löning T. (2019) Molecular Characterization of Salivary Gland Carcinomas. Chapter in: Salivary Gland Cancer. Edited by Licitra L, Locati L. Springer, Cham


  • Hawlitschka A, Holzmann C, Wree A, Antipova V. (2018) Repeated intrastriatal botulinum neurotoxin-A injection in hemiparkinsonian rats increased the beneficial effect on rotational behavior. Toxins 10:368-389
  • Antipova A, Wree A, Holzmann C, Mann T, Palomero-Gallagher N, Zilles K, Schmitt O and Hawlitschka A. (2018) Unilateral Botulinum neurotoxin-A injection into the striatum of C57BL/6 mice leads to a different motor behavior compared to rats. Toxins 10:295
  • Bullerdiek J and Rommel B. (2018) Factors targeting MED12 to drive tumorigenesis? [version 1; referees: 2 approved with reservations] F1000Research 7:359
  • Holzmann C, Saager C, Mechtersheimer G, Koczan D, Helmke BM and Bullerdiek J. (2018) Malignant transformation of uterine leiomyoma to myxoid leiomyosarcoma after morcellation associated with ALK rearrangement and loss of 14q. Oncotarget 9:27595-27604


  • Hawlitschka A, Holzmann C, Witt S, Spiewok J, Neumann A-M, Schmitt O, Wree A and Antipova V. (2017) Intrastriatally injected botulinum neurotoxin-A differently effects cholinergic and dopaminergic fibers in C57BL/6 mice. Brain Research, 1676:46-56
  • Kloth L, Gottlieb A, Helmke BM, Wosniok W and Bullerdiek J. (2017) Expression of HMGA2 in fetal placenta correlates with gestational age. submitted to BMC Women´s Health
  • Holzmann C, Koczan D, Loening T, Rommel B, Bullerdiek J. (2017) Case Report: A low-grade uterine leiomyosarcoma showing multiple genetic aberrations including a bi-allelic loss of the retinoblastoma gene locus as well as germ-line uniparental disomy for part of the long arm of chromosome 22. Anticancer Research 37:2233
  • Antipova V, Holzmann C, Schmitt O, Wree A and Hawlitschka A. (2017) Behavioral effects of Botulinum neurotoxin A injected ipsilaterally and contralaterally into the striatum in the rat 6-OHDA model of unilateral Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 11:119
  • Meyer A, Wree A, Holzmann C, Schmitt O, Rolfs A and Witt M. (2017) Increased regenerative capacity of the olfactory epithelium in Niemann-Pick disease type C1. Int J Med Sci 18:777
  • Bloch J, Holzmann C, Koczan D, Helmke BM, Bullerdiek J. (2017) Loss of MED12-mutated leiomyoma cells occurs independent of passaging during in vitro growth. Oncotarget 137(2):123-128
  • Günther K, Foraita R, Friemel J, Günther F, Bullerdiek J, Nimzyk R, Markowski DN, Behrens T, Ahrens W. (2017) The Stem Cell Factor HMGA2 Is Expressed in Non-HPV-Associated Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Predicts Patient Survival of Distinct Subsites. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 26:197-205
  • Maletzki C, Hühns M, Bauer I, Ripperger,T, Mork MM, Vilar, E, Klöcking S, Zettl, H, Prall, F, Linnebacher (2017) Frameshift mutational target gene analysis identifies similarities and differences in constitutional mismatch repair-deficiency and Lynch syndrome. Mol Carcinog 56:1753-1764


  • Bullerdiek J (2017) Lipomas and Uterine Leiomyomas. Chapter in: Reference Module in Life Sciences, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128096338
  • Bell D, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Pleomorphic adenoma. Chapter 1-7A in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ. (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 33, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Thompson, LDR, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Leiomyoma. Chapter 1-10A in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 47, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Thompson, LDR, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Haemangioma .Chapter 1-10B in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 47, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Thompson, LDR, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Schwannoma. Chapter 1-10C in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 48, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Thompson, LDR, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Neurofibroma. Chapter 1-10D in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 49, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Angiosarcoma. Chapter 1-8E in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 38, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Synovial Sarcoma. Chapter 1-8H in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 41, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Baumhoer D, Bullerdiek J, Nicolai P. (2017) Chordoma. Chapter 2-8A in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 76, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bell D, Bullerdiek J, Hunt JL. (2017) Pleomorphic adenoma. Chapter 3-6B in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 99, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Allen CM, Bullerdiek J (2017) Congenital granular cell epulis. Chapter 4-5A in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 119, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bullerdiek J et al. (2017)Rhabdomyoma. Chapter 4-6B in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 122, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bullerdiek Jet al.(2017) Lymphangioma. Chapter 4-6C in:El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ(Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 122, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bullerdiek Jet al.(2017) Haemangioma (suptypes). Chapter 4-6D in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 123, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bell D, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Pleomorphic adenoma. Chapter 5-3A in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 139, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Bell D, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Pleomorphic adenoma. Chapter 7-4A in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ. (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 185, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Flucke U, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Haemangioma. Chapter 7-6A in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 198, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Ihrler S, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Lipoma/Sialolipoma. Chapter 7-6B in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 198, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9
  • Ihrler S, Bullerdiek J et al. (2017) Nodular fasciitis. Chapter 7-6C in: El-Naggar AK, Chan JKC, Grandis JR, Takata T, Slootweg PJ (Editors). Pathology and Genetics of Head and Neck Tumours. Fourth edition, Volume 9, 199, ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9


  • Schlegel V, Thieme M, Holzmann C, Witt M, Grittner U, Rolfs A, Wree A. (2016) Pharmacologic treatment assigned for Niemann Pick type C1 disease partly changes behavioral traits in wild type mice. Int J Mol Sci 17:1866
  • Bullerdiek J. (2016) Somatische Mutationen bei Uterus-Myomen: Bedeutung für Pathogenese und klinische Relevanz. DKFZ Zeitschrift Einblick 1/2016:14
  • Günther K, Foraita R, Friemel J, Günther F, Bullerdiek J, Nimzyk R, Markowski DN, Behrens T, Ahrens W. (2016) The stem cell factor HMGA2 is expressed in non-HPV associated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and predicts patient survival of distinct subsites. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.  [Epub ahead of print]
  • Flor, I., Spiekermann, M., Löning, T., Dieckmann, K.-P., Belge, G., Bullerdiek, J. (2016) Expression of microRNAs of C19MC in different histologic types of testicular germ cell tumours. Cancer Genomics and Proteomics 13:281-289
  • Friemel J, Foraita R, Günther K, Heibeck M, Günther F, Pflueger M, Pohlabeln H, Behrens T, Bullerdiek J, Nimzyk R, Ahrens W. (2016) Pretreatment oral hygiene habits and survival of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. BMC Oral Health. 16:33
    Bullerdiek J, Dotzauer, A and Bauer, I. (2016) The mitotic spindle: Linking teratogenic effects of Zika virus with human genetics? Molecular Cytogenetics 9:32
  • Rommel B, Holzmann C and Bullerdiek J. (2016) Malignant mesenchymal tumors of the uterus – time to advocate a genetic classification.
    Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy 16:1155
  • Dieckmann KP, Spiekermann M, Balks T, Ikogho R, Anheuser P, Wosniok W, Loening T, Bullerdiek J, Belge G. (2016) MicroRNA miR-371a-3p - A Novel Serum Biomarker of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Evidence for Specificity from Measurements in Testicular Vein Blood and in Neoplastic Hydrocele Fluid. Urol Int. 97:76-83
  • Holzmann C, Löning T, and Bullerdiek J. Hyperhaploid uterine mesenchymal tumors - a novel genetic subgroup? Cancer Genetics 209: 278-281


  • Holzmann C, Markowski DN, von Leffern, Löning C and Bullerdiek J. (2015) Patterns of chromosomal abnormalities that can improve diagnosis of uterine smooth muscle tumors. Anticancer Research 35:6445
  • Markowski DN, Holzmann C and Bullerdiek J. (2015) Genetic alterations in uterine fibroids – A new direction for pharmacological intervention? Expert Opinion On Therapeutic Targets 19:1485-94
  • Holzmann C, Markowski DN, Bartnitzke S, Koczan D, Helmke BM and Bullerdiek J. (2015) A rare coincidence of different types of driver mutations among uterine leiomyomas of one patient. Molecular Cytogenetics8:76
  • Kloth L, Gottlieb A, Helmke BM, Wosniok W, Löning T, Burchardt K, Belge G, Günther K, and  Bullerdiek J. (2015): HMGA2 expression distinguishes between different types of post-pubertal testicular germ cell tumours. The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research 1:239-251
  • Bullerdiek J (2015) Somatische Mutationen bei Uterus-Myomen: Bedeutung für
    Pathogenese und klinische Relevanz. GYNE 4: 22-24
  • Flor I and Bullerdiek J. (2015) MicroRNAs als Mediatoren des embryomaternalen Dialogs. Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 13:110–114
  • Spiekermann M, Dieckmann KP, Balks, J, Bullerdiek J, Belge G. (2015) Is relative quantification dispensable for measurement of microRNAs as serum biomarkers in germ cell tumors? Anticancer Research 35:117-21
  • Spiekermann M, Belge G, Winter N, Ikogho R, Balks T, Bullerdiek J, Dieckmann KP. (2015). MicroRNA miR-371a-3p in serum of patients with germ cell tumours: evaluations for establishing a serum biomarker. Andrology 3:78-84
  • Teipel S, Ehlers I, Erbe A, Holzmann C, Lau E, Hauenstein K, Berger C. (2015) Structural Connectivity Changes Underlying Altered Working Memory Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Three-Way Image Fusion Analysis. J Neuroimaging 25:634-42



  • Holzmann C, Markowski DN, Koczan D, Küpker W, Helmke B and Bullerdiek J. (2014) Cytogenetically normal uterine leiomyomas without MED12-mutations - a source to identify unknown mechanisms of the development of uterine smooth muscle tumors. Molecular Cytogenetics 7:88.
  • Seifert W, Meinecke P, Krüger G, Rossier E, Heinritz W, Wüsthof A, Horn D. (2014) Expanded spectrum of exon 33 and 34 mutations in SRCAP and follow-up in patients with Floating-Harbor syndrome. BMC Med Genet. 15:127
  • Schanze D, Neubauer D, Cormier-Daire V, Delrue MA, Dieux-Coeslier A, Hasegawa T, Holmberg EE, Koenig R, Krueger G, Schanze I, Seemanova E, Shaw AC, Vogt J, Volleth M, Reis A, Meinecke P, Hennekam RC, Zenker M. (2014) Deletions in the 3' part of the NFIX gene including a recurrent Alu-mediated deletion of exon 6 and 7 account for previously unexplained cases of Marshall-Smith syndrome. Human Mutation 35:1092–1100
  • Thiele K, Holzmann C, Solano E, Zahner G, and Arck PC (2014) Comparative sensitivity analyses of quantitative polymerase chain reaction and flow cytometry in detecting cellular microchimerism in murine tissues. Journal of Immunological Methods 406:74
  • Drosch M, Schmidt N, Markowski DN, Zollner TM, Koch M, Bullerdiek J. (2014) The CD24 hi smooth muscle subpopulation is the predominant fraction in uterine fibroids. Mol Hum Reprod 20:664
  • Holzmann C, Markowski DN, Koczan D, Helmke BM and Bullerdiek J  (2014) Genome-wide acquired uniparental disomy as well as chromosomal gains and losses in an uterine epithelioid leiomyoma. Mol Cytogenet 7: 19
  • Thies HW, Nolte I, Wenk H, Mertens F, Bullerdiek J, Markowski DN. (2014) Permanent activation of HMGA2 in lipomas mimics its temporal physiological activation linked to the gain of adipose tissue. Obesity 22:141-50
  • Markowski DN, Tadayyon M, Bartnitzke S, Belge G, Maria Helmke B, Bullerdiek J.(2014) Cell cultures in uterine leiomyomas: Rapid disappearance of cells carrying MED12 mutations. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 53:317
  • Klemke M, Müller MH, Wosniok W, Markowski DN, Nimzyk R, Helmke BM, Bullerdiek J. (2014) Correlated Expression of HMGA2 and PLAG1 in Thyroid Tumors, Uterine Leiomyomas and Experimental Models. PLoS One 9:e88126
  • Markowski DN, Helmke BM, Bartnitzke S, Löning T, and Bullerdiek J (2013) Uterine fibroids - do we deal with more than one disease? International Journal of Gynecological Pathology 6:568


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